Art Director
Dodano: 2016-05-12 | Wrocław | Necon
Art Director
Art Director
Your main duty will be to lead the design of visual identities, brand collateral and UX/UI projects for our clients.
We expect you to have:
* extensive experience in ID, print and UX/UI projects, both as first hand designer and group lead
* comprehensive knowledge of graphics software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects)
* the ability to exchange constructive criticism and evoke a fresh approach to design problems
* managing client communication throughout the design process
* briefing and advising clients with regard to design, print production and timeframes
* closely working with creatives to adequately represent brand strategies in design
* developing concepts, graphics and layouts for brand visual constants, websites, apps
* reviewing work of other designers and suggesting improvements if needed
* ensuring high quality of the final product
* working closely with front-end developers to ensure desired outcome
* full-time job in our beautiful cozy office in Wroclaw
* work in a unique environment, closer to a family than a corporate hell; among people who appreciate how good you are and who love to have energizing Monday breakfasts together
* we’ll have you covered on conference tickets, courses, etc.
* we’ve got a growing book collection and a budget for everyone to suggest new ones
* the occasional barbecue/drink/boardgames in our garden in the summer and next to a fireplace in winter
* working with us, you will be presented with multiple opportunities to show skill and dedication executing projects for global clients. That naturally leads to eating a lobster roll in Boston or a crab cake in Baltimore, getting lost in NYC or running from bears in Vermont
* appreciation for your involvement and every idea. We want you to have an impact on us and the way we think and work
* … and incredible support from Mika, the cat – included
We are not looking for a copycat/robot, and we are not desperate.
What we are looking for is flow.
If you believe you belong here, send us your resume/portfolio to:
We expect you to have:
* extensive experience in ID, print and UX/UI projects, both as first hand designer and group lead
* comprehensive knowledge of graphics software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects)
* the ability to exchange constructive criticism and evoke a fresh approach to design problems
* managing client communication throughout the design process
* briefing and advising clients with regard to design, print production and timeframes
* closely working with creatives to adequately represent brand strategies in design
* developing concepts, graphics and layouts for brand visual constants, websites, apps
* reviewing work of other designers and suggesting improvements if needed
* ensuring high quality of the final product
* working closely with front-end developers to ensure desired outcome
* full-time job in our beautiful cozy office in Wroclaw
* work in a unique environment, closer to a family than a corporate hell; among people who appreciate how good you are and who love to have energizing Monday breakfasts together
* we’ll have you covered on conference tickets, courses, etc.
* we’ve got a growing book collection and a budget for everyone to suggest new ones
* the occasional barbecue/drink/boardgames in our garden in the summer and next to a fireplace in winter
* working with us, you will be presented with multiple opportunities to show skill and dedication executing projects for global clients. That naturally leads to eating a lobster roll in Boston or a crab cake in Baltimore, getting lost in NYC or running from bears in Vermont
* appreciation for your involvement and every idea. We want you to have an impact on us and the way we think and work
* … and incredible support from Mika, the cat – included
We are not looking for a copycat/robot, and we are not desperate.
What we are looking for is flow.
If you believe you belong here, send us your resume/portfolio to:
Please include the following clause: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.)."